Tag Archives: celebrities

There Goes My Hero

Hello Thursday! Meet my blog group, comprised of a fantastic group of ladies  who will dazzle you with insight on various topics.  After reading my post, check out their blogs as well. Just click on:

Froggie (Tracey): One frog’s distinct voice on the world around her.

Merry Land Girl (Melissa): Tales of a suburban mom who likes to talk about pop culture, books, Judaism, family, friendship and anything else that comes to mind.

Darwin Shrugged (Denise): Civilized Observations in an Uncivilized World

For this week’s topic, Denise chose: Is there a celebrity scandal that would really upset you, simply because you love that celebrity/hold him or her in high esteem? Has it already happened? If there’s no celebrity, is there a person in your real life like that?

Her pick was inspired by the recent developments surrounding Bill Cosby.

Usually, I don’t glamorize or hold celebrities in high regard. This stems from an encounter with someone famous, who was not very gracious but very drunk and obnoxious instead. I was fourteen at the time and saw right through him. I figured out at a young age that other than fame, fortune and entourages, celebrities are still like the rest of us, and in some cases, bigger assholes.

Still, that doesn’t mean I don’t have the occasional crush or that I don’t look up to a celebrity. I’m only human, after all. Although not laminated, I still have my celebrity list (you know the one) and I also hold plenty of athletes in high regard. They are my celebrities.

When I received Denise’s topic for this week, I immediately thought of Lance Armstrong. A hero to many, I think the whole world was in shock when it was discovered he had doped up while competing. He lied. He said he’d never done it, he said he’d never do it, yet he did.  It felt as though none of his wins were valid or real and I took it to heart. I am an athlete, and he was someone I looked up to. While I was saddened to discover the truth, it didn’t completely surprise me. Lance was regarded as a god where sports are concerned. That’s a lot for any mere mortal to live up to, and my guess is, he didn’t want to fall from that extremely high pedestal we’d put him on.

What about Oscar Pistorius? He’s a big reason I tuned back in to the Olympics. I blogged about him. The title of my post: “This Man is my Hero”. When his girlfriend was discovered dead, the big question was: Did he do it? Although he was recently acquitted (with an appeal in motion) the verdict is still out in everyone’s mind. Even if this acquittal sticks, this will change his life and the way we see him forever.

Robin William’s death shocked the world. Not only were we in mourning over the loss of someone so fantastic, it opened our eyes more to celebrities dealing with mental illness and depression. No one will ever really know what Robin was thinking in those last moments, or what propelled him to end his own life. Along those same lines was the loss of Joan Rivers. Shortly after her death, I’d gone to the library and checked out a few books, one of them being hers. At the counter, the librarian looked at Joan’s book and sighed heavily. “So sad, what happened to her. You know, everyone knew her. She spanned so many generations! I’m in my 70’s, and I’ve known of her my whole life.” I nodded in agreement while she continued on. “I can’t believe the way the doctors were taking photos of her while she was out on the table, and their negligence.” I didn’t have much to add to that, considering I’d read the same stuff the librarian had. Such a shock and it’s still a bit of a scandal. Will the doctor’s office be liable?

Which leads me to Bill Cosby, the man who inspired the topic choice for this week. At least 26 women have come forward and declared sexual assault.  He’s never been criminally charged for anything, and it’s been years in the making. Why are these women coming forward now, after so long? I’d imagine at least one or two would have come traipsing out of the woodwork to say something, anything within this span of time, but I can’t say for sure one way or another. The truth is, I stopped reading about him. Most of it has become redundant, anyway. I figure if any wrongdoing has been found, he’ll have to pay his dues and atone for that, and maybe more so considering how the public has viewed him for decades. The family man. The lovable comedian. Another fallen celebrity.

In the end, all celebrities are human. They have their faults, their own issues. Beloved or not. Revered or not and they are capable of anything and everything, good or bad. Just like the rest of us.

What’s In A Girl Crush?

Hello Thursday! Meet my blog group, comprised of a fantastic group of ladies  who will dazzle you with insight on various topics.  After reading my post, check out their blogs as well. Just click on:

Froggie (Tracey): One frog’s distinct voice on the world around her.

Merry Land Girl (Melissa): Tales of a suburban mom who likes to talk about pop culture, books, Judaism, family, friendship and anything else that comes to mind.

Darwin Shrugged (Denise): Civilized Observations in an Uncivilized World

For this week, Melissa’s pick: Girl crushes.

What is a girl crush, exactly? For me, I believe it represents feeling giddy or excited when you see that person, whether they are up close and personal, or through the television and/or on the big screen. Someone you admire and look up to. I imagine it’s someone I could meet up with (if that were to ever happen) and have an awesome conversation. Someone who undeniably rocks.

My image of celebrities has been skewed. This stems from an unfortunate meeting with someone famous (not a female) who I had imagined would be a lot more friendly and a lot less drunk. He was signing autographs and had become belligerent. He didn’t want to be there. I was 14 at the time, and I knew after that encounter what you see isn’t always what you’re gonna get with a celebrity. I went to high school with someone who is now famous (Jon Heder), and he started out like the rest of us. A super nice, normal, everyday, average person. (Although he was a different breed. I must admit, I’ve always liked the a/v geeks). I figure in the end, everyone (even famous people) puts their pants on one leg at a time (or two if they are in a hurry).

Because of this, I don’t think I develop huge crushes on celebrities in general. But I do admire them. And I’m not saying I wouldn’t get excited and practically pee my pants if I met a celebrity in person, but my criteria would still stand. Are they cool? Are they decent human beings, who haven’t forgotten where they come from? Could we have a conversation and be real with one another? That’s what I look for in general, and that’s what I would look for in a girl crush.

When I was a kid it was all about Madonna. It’s probably not appropriate for a 6 year old’s favorite song to be “Like a Virgin”, but it was. Since then, she’s always been a favorite of mine. She pushes the envelope and has paved the way for many other female performers (think Lady Gaga). I remember listening to the entire Erotica album and feeling blown away, not only by the sheer nakedness and rawness of it, but how out there Madonna was. It felt forbidden, which made her music all the more exciting to listen to. Shirley Manson, front woman for Garbage  is uh-mazing. I’ve seen the band in concert twice, and have been thoroughly entertained both times. I drove out to Colorado to see them live when they opened for No Doubt, and not that I don’t love No Doubt and Gwen, but I was really there for Shirley. She took her time conversing with the audience. There was no rush. And she is sexy as all get out!

Jennifer Lopez was someone I looked up to a lot in my early 20’s. I was built with a little waist and big ol’ booty, and at that time I was surrounded by a lot of other people who weren’t made the same way I had been. I worked in an office full of ladies, and I was known as “the girl with the big ass”. I was looking through a magazine and had seen a photo of her- I thought she looked so gorgeous WITH those curves! I realized that everyone is different, differently shaped, different sizes. I’ve really come to appreciate my own curves and I am not at all ashamed of my backside!

I love Kevin Smith movies. I looked forward to seeing Joey Lauren Adams after seeing her in Mallrats and Chasing Amy, one of my favorites.  I’d imagine she’s someone who you can shoot the shit with at any given moment, and I bet she’d give it to you straight, too. She’s got one of those likable personalities that you’d want to surround yourself with.

My newest crush is on Tatiana Maslany. My husband introduced me to Orphan Black and I’ve been hooked since the first episode! What comes to mind when I look at her is just how genuine she is! I don’t think she’s got a pretentious bone in her body, which is refreshing. I’d love to meet her some day.  I’m reading Judy Greer‘s book,  I Don’t Know What You Know Me From: Confessions of a Co-Star. She is seriously funny, and appears to be another one who is down to earth and very grounded. She talks a lot in her book about shopping at Target, and she loves hitting up 24-hour drugstores like CVS Pharmacy and Walgreens. I like that she takes her co-star lifestyle in stride and finds happiness in where she’s at in life. She realizes she is blessed, and you can tell how humble she is.  Betty White is another one who I would love to meet in person and spend time with. She’s got a no bullshit approach to life and says what’s on her mind. She reminds me a lot of my grandma, likely the biggest reason I’m such a fan of hers. She is a lovely woman.

It’s not just celebrities and musicians I have a mad girl crush on. I love fitness, so people who accomplish a lot in this realm really inspire me! Who can forget Kacy Catazaro as she became the first female participant to complete American Ninja Warrior? It took her two years to train, and countless hours, but she fulfilled her dream! I’ve also started following Corina Nielsen, a woman who has inspired me to try new avenues of fitness and a new way of thinking when it comes to how I choose to stay in shape and stay healthy.

Now that I’ve blabbed about my own girl crushes, who are some of yours?

This Is Sara’s Arrested Development

July Blogger Challenge– #22: Write about something in today’s pop culture.

When Arrested Development first hit the t.v. scene, I was 25 and had a really hard time following it. If you’ve watched the show, you know just how intricate in detail the characters/plots/scenes can get. I don’t think I was mature enough, back in 2003.

Thank God I’ve grown up.

My husband convinced me to watch Arrested (and did his obligatory “have I ever steered you wrong with a show?” speech) and I have to admit, I was arrested. We watched from the very first pilot episode, and have completely finished all the seasons, including season 4, which filmed 7 years after the last episode had wrapped up in 2006.

Just the other night, after finishing the last episode in season 4, I told my husband that I felt much more equipped to handle Arrested. I equated the show with a clever game of chess. You never know which direction the players (characters) will go. Not to mention the many subplots you can get lost in. At times it’s a tangled web, but it’s fun to get stuck for a while, figuring it all out. A great work out for the imagination.

Some of my favorite things:

1. Tobias and his never nude affliction:

2. The theme songs from Charlie Brown and The Graduate, depicting how they’re feeling (or reflecting):

3. Gene Parmesan:

4. George Michael and his Star Wars tape:

5. Who’s Ann?

George Michael’s first girlfriend, Ann, turns out to be a real wallflower, and no one seems to know she’s around even when she’s around.

6. The literal doctor:

and the best- 7. The Chicken Dance:

My husband  is on a winning streak here, and gets to continue his “have I steered you wrong” campaign. If you’ve got Netflix (Hulu can hook you up, too) why don’t you give Arrested a shot?

Tobias Fünke: Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over – an analyst and a therapist. The world’s first analrapist.

If you are into Arrested, what are some of your favorites from the show? 


For my workout today, I ran 7 miles in 1:11:16. Gotta keep plugging along, if I’m going to be ready for the Kansas City marathon in October!

Why I’ve Been Obsessed With Dawson’s Creek

First off, I blame Netflix. If Netflix didn’t offer the entire series right there for my viewing pleasure at the push of a button, I wouldn’t even be in this predicament.

I also blame my late teens/early 20’s phase of my life. I was still an impressionable young lady who needed an outlet, and The Creek provided me with that. Plus, everyone said insanely big words and had an astounding vocabulary to them. I probably learned a new word or two through the Capeside journey.

Sounds pathetic, doesn’t it?

Every so often, I get this urge for nostalgia. It started with My So Called Life:

Am I Regressing?

Then, I decided to take a trip down memory lane with Ally McBeal. I don’t think I even had the courage to blog about that voyage.

I feel this rush for childhood, and I go with it. When I saw The Creek available for viewing, I felt like a bad girl plopping her hand into a cookie jar. I’ll just eat ONE cookie. There’s no harm in ONE cookie.

Four seasons in, and I’ve been watching the episodes. Starving. I’ll watch a few at a time. (sorry to my sweet husband for putting up with me) I know it’s not the best t.v. out there, OK? It wasn’t when I was 19, and it’s not now. There’s something about seeing these characters go through first kisses and love loss and aching remorse over mundane issues like getting a C on an English final in high school that seems to put me at peace with where I am in my own life. In craving the nostalgia, I see just how far I’ve come and how good I have it. Let’s be honest here- how settled are any of us as teenagers? As early 20-somethings, trying to find their way? I was just a kid when I got a mini-crush on Pacey, or decided I needed to find clothes that Joey wore because I thought she seemed to have the same sort of laid back style I had, and still have now. As a 34 year old woman, I am starting to identify more with the older crowd in the show, dealing with jobs and family life. How I see the show now:

When I was 19 vs. now

Dawson- a whiny and annoying brat. That view hasn’t changed. Still annoying, but he’s evolving as his character ages.

Joey- very smart and very cute. She’s also whiny- but also very pretentious. The world revolves around Joey, although her character is also evolving. 

Pacey- love him. Still do. I’m forever on Team Pacey.

Jen- the misunderstood town crazy girl. I feel for her character more now, as an adult. She’s the red-headed step child of the bunch.

Dawson’s parents- why won’t they let Dawson live his own life? Holy cow, Dawson’s dad is HOT.

Jen’s grandma- the wise old sage. She still is, but her accent gets on my nerves.

Andee- she looks older than the rest of the group. IMDB’ed her. She was 32!!! when she played this role on the show. Props to her!

Jack- super cute (total shocker to me when he ended up being a gay character on the show). Still super cute.

I’m going to watch it all until the last episode, which I can still remember vaguely. I believe in finishing a job through to the end, and I will put Dawson’s Creek to rest very soon. Most likely, I will never watch it again after this, and that’s OK by me. It gave me an hour of entertainment in my youth, while eating take out Chinese and eagerly anticipating what would happen next- and it’s giving me time now during my son’s nap time to reflect on the girl I was, and the woman I’ve become in my 30’s.

My only gripe: the episodes on Netflix don’t have the original songs from the show. Here’s why:


Here’s an interview between Chelsea Handler and James Van Der Beek. Very funny!